
machine learning

put your roi on autopilot

Our award-winning data scientists build machine learning solutions to out-smart your business challenges

  • Transform data collection into insight generation
  • Automate workflows and maximize efficiency.
  • Optimize resource allocation
  • Radically enhance user acquisition, satisfaction and retention
The AI/ML revolution has set new benchmarks for efficiency and success. AE’s technology innovation studio is a uniquely powerful hybrid of world class data scientists, engineers, and designers. We’re ready to unlock the potential of your business. Are you?

there’s more...there’s always more

artificial intelligence

We build software to transform pattern recognition into business outcomes at a scale well surpassing human ability. It can also help businesses leverage their multitudes of things (customers, images, SKUs, transactions, etc.), and extract actionable insights that drive success.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision enables us to extract tremendous value from image sets—and not just by classifying cat memes. Pattern recognition in image libraries and data visualizations, allows you to uncover hidden trends, predict with greater accuracy, and know what others don’t.

Natural Language Processing

What do customers say about products? What sentiments are revealed by discussion? Is a person interested in buying X if they say Y? We carefully craft algorithms that can gather, read, and report on this data, so you can optimize and streamline key decision making.

Predictive Analytics

Meeting the demands of tomorrow’s consumer requires optimizing the supply chain today. Determining the lifetime value of any asset demands mathematics that let you see forward in time. We build digital tools to cut through the haze of mass data, and reveal insights about the future that you can leverage now.

Recommendation Systems

One revealed preference can reveal others. We use advanced machine learning to build algorithms that out-perform traditional search, and help both end users and clients discover things they might not have found otherwise.

Intelligent Automation

There is no greater drain on time and resources than repetition (and repetition). That’s where we come in. We create highly-trained and forever-loyal robots, so your people can do what they do best—strategizing, innovating, and pushing your organization forward.

Ready to kick-start your ML transformation with the brightest minds in data science?

so are we. logo
AE Studio
We build great technology products.
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